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Parasite Cleanse Instructions & Food Guide

Malira Dai Holistic, LLC

Got questions?  Contact us here



I-What You Will Need

II-Package Contents


IV-What to Expect

V-Foods to Eat

VI-Foods to Avoid




-1 tablespoon scooper

-1 teaspoon scooper

-1, quart sized (32 ounce) mason jar with lid

-Mesh strainer (to strain your herbs)



-1 Parasite cleanse herbal blend

-1 Digestive Blend

-1 Diatomaceous Earth 

 (This is a 2-week supply)



1) Before bed each night, add 2 tablespoons of the parasite cleanse herbal blend and 1 tablespoon of the digestive blend to your empty mason jar and fill with HOT water.

2) Once the jar is full, cover with the lid and let the tea steep overnight.  A minimum of 4 hours is also acceptable.

3) At the start of each day, add 1 to 2 teaspoons of the Diatomaceous Earth to 16 oz (1 bottle) of water. Mix well and drink.

4) Wait about 20-30 minutes before drinking your herbal blend. Do not attempt to drink all of your tea at once.  It’s easier to break servings into cups.  For example, drink 1 cup in the morning, 1 in the afternoon and the rest as the day goes until the jar is empty. Again, please do not attempt to drink all your tea at once. 


Parasite Cleanse- take 2 capsules in the AM and 2 in the PM

Digestive Blend- take 2 capsules in the AM and 2 in the PM

At the start of each day, add 1 to 2 teaspoons of the Diatomaceous Earth to 16 oz (1 bottle) of water. Mix well and drink. 




To effectively remove parasites, we recommend that you cleanse in 2 phases. The first 2-week phase focuses on killing and removing parasites.  The second phase removes left over larvae and smaller parasites that may have hatched. It is advised to take a 2-week break in between phases.  



(A) Adjusting Your Blend

Please note, everyone is different and individual results may vary.   If you don’t notice an increase in bowel movements, feel free to add an additional tablespoon of Digestive Blend to your tea. If taking that route, you can decrease or opt out of the Diatomaceous Earth completely.

The herbs are packaged separately to give you control. Listen to your body and adjust as needed.


(B) Detox Symptoms

You may notice things in your stool you have never seen before. Not to worry, this is a normal process of eliminating parasites. 

You may notice side effects when taking any type of detox.  Parasites are dying they leave toxins behind.  When this happens you may experience headaches, break outs, diarrhea, fatigue, cold and flu symptoms, bloating and gas.  

The best way to keep side effect symptoms to a minimum is to drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.  If the side effect symptoms become unbearable stop using this product. 





Stevia is the only acceptable sweetener while parasite cleansing and less used, the better.

Tip: If you'd like to cut some of the bitterness of the herbs, try key lime or lemon juice. I do not recommend adding any sweetener to your blend.



Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, pineapple, papaya, cherries, jackfruit, coconut meat, coconut flakes, lemon, lime, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, olives


Kale, arugula, spinach, lettuce, dandelion greens, collard greens, swiss chards, water cress, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, squash, artichokes, okra, fennel, onions, bell pepper, cucumber, asparagus, celery, leeks, brussels sprouts, carrots, avocado, eggplant, cabbage, tomato


Chickpeas (garbanzo beans), quinoa, amaranth, pumpkin seeds, papaya seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, peanuts, unsweetened oats, pistachio nuts, Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, black beans, kidney beans, lentils, green beans, green peas, black eye peas


Chick pea, lentil, quinoa, kamut


Coconut milk, almond milk, cashew milk, hemp milk, walnut milk, sesame milk


Cashew, peanut, almond, sunflower seed, tahini




Meat, poultry, seafood, dairy (eggs, milk, butter, cream cheese, sour cream and yogurt)


Potatoes, yuca, rice, flour, tortillas


Kiwi, nectarine, peach, plum, mango, pears, red apple


Alcohol, coffee, junk food, fast food, foods that contain artificial favors, sweeteners, and colors


Honey, agave, maple syrup


The information provided here is nutritional in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Not recommended for children, pregnant/ breastfeeding women or individuals with liver issues. Do not take if you are on pharmaceutical prescriptions without consulting your doctor or health care professional. Always consult a medical professional before beginning any supplement or regimen. Do not take if you have Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS, IBD or any other gastrointestinal issues.


Cleanse Tips 


I’ve put together some tips for you all to ensure a successful cleansing experience from start to finish.


1. Keep your fridge stocked with fresh fruit and vegetables and be mindful of your food choices. I recommend adhering to the food guide for best results. Each item listed is there for a reason and will aid your body through the detoxification process. The goal is to starve the parasites, not fuel them. The food you put in your body is just as important as the herbs you’re consuming. Your plate should always align with the results you’re aiming for. Meat, dairy and artificial sugar are the worse culprits and provide parasites with the environment they need to thrive.


2. Ever heard that saying, “out of sight, out of mind”? This applies to all the junk foods you may crave during the cleansing process. As the parasites die off, these cravings can feel very intense. I suggest raiding your pantry, fridge, freezer and cabinets and getting rid of any and all detrimental foods. This step will significantly reduce your chances of backtracking and eating junk foods out of impulse. Do your best to eliminate ALL processed foods.


3. Drink plenty of water. I recommend a gallon of water daily or as close as you can to it. At the very least, half of your body weight. Staying hydrated is the key to minimizing detox symptoms and flushing out toxic waste from our bodies. If you have a hard time consuming water, incorporate more hydrating foods into your diet. These foods include cucumbers, dark leafy greens, watermelons, grapes, green peppers, cantaloupe and squash.


4. Speaking of detox symptoms, learn how to identify them and don’t use them as excuses to stop your cleanse. Take them for what they are. A sign that your body is responsive to the elimination process. When we detox, our bodies work overtime and essentially go through withdrawal symptoms. In a perfect world, cleansing is all rainbows and butterflies. In reality, you may feel worse before you feel better. Headaches, bloating, fatigue and exhaustion are a few examples of the less appealing side to cleansing. These feelings are normal and if you stick with the plan, you will overcome them. Keep pushing!


5. Meal prep! This step is extremely important. The last thing you want is to be caught slipping on your lunch break with nothing to eat. You’ll probably find yourself in a drive-thru or at the vending machine. We’ve all been there. Get a lunchbox, some reusable containers and prep your meals and snacks! Find some recipes you like and make big batches. Soups and stews make great freezer additions for a heat and go.


6. If you plan on exercising, keep it light. Do just enough to get your body moving while avoiding intense workouts. Aim for low impact workouts like jogging, walking or yoga.


7. Get sweaty! Sweating helps to flush toxins out of the body through the pores. If you’re in a sunny location, spend up to 30 minutes in the sun on a daily. Take advantage of that free Vitamin D. Not only is it immunity boosting but it purifies the skin from toxins. If you’re not in a sunny location, try finding a local sauna and visiting a few times a week.


8. Limit carbohydrates because they stimulate stress hormones. We want to keep our blood sugar stable during the cleansing process.


9. Exfoliate. I’ll post a picture of the skin towel I use but a dry brush is also an option. This step won’t make or break your parasite cleansing experience but it’s a nice addition for everyday or occasional use. I like this step because it stimulates the lymphatic system, buffs away dead skin cells, opens clogged pores, rejuvenates the skin and cleanses the skin of impurities.


10. Oil pulling. It’s a great addition to detoxing especially for those you with candida overgrowth (white coating on tongue).


11. A sea salt flush can give your colon a jumpstart. If you choose to complete this flush, I recommend doing so a few days before starting the actual cleanse. All you’d need is 2 teaspoons of sea salt and 4 cups of warm water. Optional additions include key lime juice or lemon juice to taste. Consume up to 2 hours before bed or early morning. Drink the mixture as quickly as possible on an empty stomach. 1000% optional.


12. Get your beauty rest. Cleansing requires a lot of energy and your body will benefit from the downtime.


13. Do not eat late. Allow your body time to run its course. The bodies resting state is between 11 pm to 2 am. During these hours, our livers are detoxing toxins.


14. Keep a journal. If you are a first time cleanser, this could be a great step for you. Nothing fancy, a little notebook from the dollar store will do. This will give you the opportunity to look back on areas of improvement. Write down your state of health at the start and keep notes throughout the process. It’s an incredible feeling being able to look back and see the wonderful changes you’ve made.


15. Engage. You aren’t in this alone. Need support? Ask your questions!


Finally, GET YOUR MIND RIGHT. If you start this cleanse thinking you can’t or won’t see it through, chances are you will not. Some of you haven’t gone a day without processed foods, meat or dairy. I understand the food guide can be intimidating. With creativity, you’ll be just fine. Our thoughts can make or break us. Don’t be the one standing in your own way.


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